Monday, April 8, 2013


The anticipation was palpable. We sat in the suite at the Pallazo, smiling at each other. Dave offered beverages to everyone while Mike plucked away idly on his laptop. Ken, scrolling endlessly through his phone, looked up occasionally as if to remind us of something, but more often than not, fell silent. We were prepared.

Tomorrow was the big day. The press release was written, the website complete. The presentation for the judges was finished and the elaborate displays stood silently in our Bellini meeting room like a museum of silent expectancy. Everything led to this day, the culmination of over 2 years of effort. What would the reaction be? Would we stand in our Brooks Brothers blue gingham shirts, handsomely waiting for customers that would never show, who would ignorantly leave the show never knowing we even existed? Would we be viciously attacked by our nervous competitors, giants who had dominated the industry for decades, hurling insults and accusations to stifle our opportunity? Or would we be overwhelmed by an onslaught of eager security and home automation dealers desperate to obtain technology that was far too late arriving in this industry?

We chatted idly and said our good nights. Handshakes exchanged, deep breaths taken, and nervous smiles hiding our unanswered questions. We knew what we had was amazing, would other believe as well? Only time would tell.

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